My thoughts about Prime4

They have “blocked me” from creating a new thread! But here goes: Fix, and create a way for us to know where we are within a folder. We get lost, and at time have to go all the way back the the root folder and drill back down. A “breadcrumb navigation” is a tried and proven way to navigate software, even in audio. (please note that)

As for ‘sustainability’…DENON is at the forefront, and still hasn’t realized it. DENON…Think in term of Tesla’s strategy. You buy a Tesla car and you get updates.

No reason why I should be buying Prime 4+ when we all “see” it an software update. (Stems?..really? Stem require a new hardware! Come on! Real Talk! You don’t think we’re not committed enough to pay some extra change for “Stems?”… Should we throw away our previous hardware and buy PRIME 4+ just for stems? COME THE FNCK ON…Is this how you think of us? We ain’t dumb!

Denon. SWITCH to a “software model”…we don’t need a NEW controller!, we trust the sh!t. Why should I spend change on a new console, when I should be getting version/software updates with enhancements?

Trust me, we can/will pay for enhancements (software updates). What do you want me to do with my “older/previous model” (hardware) …Honestly…No, seriously!? I don’t need 2-3-4 versions of Denon pro ‘hardware’. I’m already out out storage in my house for another pieces of hardware.

Be the Tesla of DJ experience! Real talk! Done talk! :slight_smile:

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I mean, you’ve typed a lot of words, I’ll give you that.


I’ve never seen somebody come here on the forum and be so Ill-informed about Denon, you also have to give him that :saluting_face:

My man comes here ranting about Denon not giving software updates while every SC5000 owner who bought his unit in 2017 now suddenly has wifi, soundswitch, touch fx,…


I can only shrug SFM… I feel the D word should be swapped for the P word and the rant would be more accurate.

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Who knew that Veruca Salt had taken up DJing


All true. very true.
Sorry. My bad…didn’t to hijack, it was not intentional.
Sorry about the long rant.
The jist:
Denon should send software updates, we don’t need to buy hardware every year or two in todays technology. It will sure save them and us money, and put them ahead of the competition. (in my opinion)

BTW - I’ve been spinnin for over 20+yrs. Denon came to ‘me’ (a Toronto DJ, with a radio station) to promote their DN-2000 back in the day (for context).

My understanding is that Prime 4+ users will be the only ones able to access stems during its testing phases. This does not in any way imply to me that we won’t be getting stems across the Prime line of products when it is officially released as a feature.


They do … Denon DJ probably send more updates for their models than ANY other DJ hardware manufacturer. Not just bug fixes or patches but FREE drop samplers, FREE touch screen effects systems, FREE additional fx for the built in fx banks, streaming service functionally (ok each service has its own monthly charges, but Denon DJ activated the WiFi to enable streaming in a firmware update)

If you bought your Prime since the most recent firmware release (about 6 weeks ago) then maybe you haven’t seen any “Download some new free firmware now!” Posts ** yet ** but I would expect you’ll see at least one free update by the end of the year, if not two.

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Some more stuff like horizontal waveforms, on screen pad display, beat grid edit, touch screen FX, remote access to laptop library, smart light integration, active loops, LC-6000 integration all included in updates too.

And then there are the day mode and Bluetooth upgrades coming that were mentioned on various YouTube channels, and they are the only ones we know about.

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Thank you!
And yes, I do see/get the updates.
I’m going to assume, STEMS will not be part of the PRIME 4 update since it was the main selling feature for the PRIME 4+.
Again, thanks for the response. Greatly appreciated.

Some people thought that , and were wrong

Prime 4 Plus will be the FIRST prime to get firmware stems. Then, as has been normal for Prime models for several years, the firmware is usually released for the other prime models

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