My sc5000M doesn't want to reboot in firmware updade mode

Oh sorry for the confusion. Never owned Apple or planning on getting some of their products… It looks like there is nothing like that required for Mac, but maybe there you got your problem. In windows if some piece of equipment stopps working for what reason ever you can clear the registry an reinstall the driver and you are good to go! But no guarantee on that :wink:

It worked for one of them with the app, updated firmware and motor in less than a min but, on the other one, app confirmed that it was done, the player decided that it wasn’t done with the motor update and is going back and forth between two screens: denon home screen and the update screen which only goes for about 5%, stops and back to home…and all over again non-stop.

Is there a way to hard reset the player?

Yeah that’s sort of where I’m at with Prime. In my opinion, the &Wares& are too mismatched:

The hardware is absolutely amazing The software (engine Prime) is disappointing beyond belief and lacks long long awaited and long long overdue improvements to bpm and Beatgrid . Encrypt it too to stop hacks selling tricks for it

The firmware is not focussing on getting the basics sorted - BPM, Beatgrid instead they keep going for the easy to reach, low hanging fruit… midi and putting pitch increments back as they were before some other update that worsened it.

If Switching on WiFi streaming was supposed to be a distraction from tediously slow mis-focused software and firmware, well, it sort of worked for some users, for a while.

Then support-ware (probably not a real word ok) but the after sales support certainly has attracted far more very badly negative posts on far more numerous occasions that can be put down to bad luck, chance or one-offs.

Big shame. It’s like a Rolls Royce being looked after by GMC/Ford

Well put @Antchi. I couldn’t have said it better.

Shame for Denon

I cant count the number of times i have downgraded and updated the firmware.

This week alone at least 3 or 4 times and never ran into any issues.

MacOS Mojave & PC Method of updating SC5000M

Some steps i take to make sure things dont go sideways

  1. I remove all drives attached to the players
  2. I unplug the network cable
  3. I make sure only one player is connected to the Mac whilst updating
  4. Ensure the USB is secured to the corresponding ports
  5. I have used the standard supplied USB cable + USB hub , i have also used USB B to C bought on amazon.

It’s basically straightforward.

I hope you get sorted soon

@jwill tagged for good measure

Hm, straight forward…that’s anything but straight forward, plus my deck is stuck in the cycle that i’ve described above. I can’t do anything with it, it won’t recognise my mac, usb sticks, sd cards…nothing. One worked, one didn’t. All it does is flip between two modes.

@ToysRmine and Antchi

I am suffering with you on my X1800 issues. But tbh what is your expectation of a forum like this? Of course here are mostly people who got issues with that gear. Look at the dates and consider how much they sold (even its a tiny bit compared to others).

I wont give up to get it all working until my money-back-guarantee by law is over.

A lot of people I know bought super expensive things like new houses, cars and bikes and had issues with it. Just go to carmanufacturer xy forum and read whats going on with their engines, electronics, software, quality,…

I am not a member in this forum to defend Denon or bash them.

Startet DJing with a MC6000mk1. 10! Years no issue occured. Changed to the big P, too less bang for my buck!

I’m truly sorry for you all to have these problems.

I have 2 SC5000’s, an X1800 and a Prime4 without these serious issues. Come Monday I think someone will step up and get this solved.


So you got none of the issues especially the CUE FX problem on your mixer. Just found out that the REVROLL FX is acts always on master, despite the assigne is somewhere else?

Btw had a lot of fun with that set on the last 3 hours despite the mentioned issues :slight_smile:

The SC5000m are amazing! I love it :smiley:


If you power on the 5000 while holding Source, Eject, and Layer does the unit go into firmware update mode? You should see a microchip on the display.

If you can get into that mode you should be able to update via computer.

I can confirm we are indeed working on these and have been. So your assumption is incorrect.

BPM and downbeat detection algorithms are not simple tasks. We are taking our time to ensure we get it right with the goal to be “best in class” once we release.


Hi @JWiLL…well that worked but once it was finished with the transfer it went back to motor update so, back to same cycle.

Any other ideas please?

I only realised the other day that I was still running older firmware on my SC5000M’s as I noticed that I didn’t have the key adjust feature etc on the players so I just went to Denon website installed the newest software 1.3.3 then went about plugging in each player in turn using the long blue player to Mac USB port cable switched on player then touched update software on player screen then clicked the same on the SC5000M installer I just downloaded to my Mac and no problemos worked first time! I always use the long blue USB cable direct install onto player that way.

Hey @JWiLL,

I‘ve the same problem with the latest firmware update.

I wantet to update the firmware for the sc5000m by mac.

The first update at the one player did well, the second update on the other player went wrong.

Now the player starts and try to load the motorupdate but after a few seconds, the player reboot and try again to load the motorupdate. And on and on and on with no result.

Can you help me?

Hi @SCOPE - Sorry to hear of the difficulties. It seems that the motor portion of the update is stuck in a loop. In this case, I would try flashing back to 1.3.2 and then try 1.4.0 update again. Be sure you use the included USB 3.0 cable.

To put the 5000/M into forced update mode, power on while holding LAYER + SOURCE + EJECT. If done correctly you should the logo splash screen with microchip icon.

Once in that mode, connect the USB 3.0 cable and send the updates again.

Let us know how you make out.

Thank you @JWiLL!

I was able to take him back to Version 1.2.2.

But if i try to update other versions (like 1.3.1, 1.3.2 or 1.4.0) the same problem with the motor-update 04.04. appears…

And i can‘t start the motor now.

Do you have any ideas?


Sorry to hear that did not fully resolve your issue. At this point, I would recommend contact our support team in your area.

Please visit for further assistance.

Hi, nice to meet you, I usually update the firmware on my Denon DJ SC5000M using Wi-Fi or “WEB” setting, within the media players settings, under “About/Update”. That’s actually how I updated it to the Denon DJ 2.1.0 firmware. But now there’s a 2.1.1 update, I guess.

But, for whatever strange reason, my SC5000M won’t find the WiFi signal provided thru our landlord, or when it does find it, & when I can successfully connect it to the Wi-Fi, its only got one bar, or a weak signal, which is also weird, cause our Hisense Roku Smart TV is connected to the Wi-Fi, & must use way more of the signal than this one time connection with my SC5000M.

So, long story short, where I cant utilize my Wi-Fi signal for whatever reason(s), & I don’t have the option to do it USB drive method rite now, I connected my SC5000M thru hotspot method thru my tablet from Metro PCS. And its connected great, with a pretty big signal now, but, instead of it giving me the option to choose either Web, USB drive, or Computer, when picking my Firmware update method, its only asking me if I want to put the player in " Reboot into Firmware Update Mode ", & when I tried it, it seems to turn off & on the player, into that mode, with a little chip looking thing at the bottom of the screen, & didn’t seem to work, or was taking to long or something.

So I ended up restarting the SC5000M, & now I’m trying it again! Lol. But, is this possible, where I’m using my mobile hotspot data, in order to update this firmware from 2.1.0 to the newer 2.1.1 firmware? Or am I wasting my time, from what it seems, & either need to find a better Wi-Fi signal, somewhere, or buy a brand new USB drive, just to do this damn update? Lol thanks a bunch.

I just know that it usually will ask me whether I’m using " Web, USB Drive, or Computer, prior to it starting the update process, within the " About / Update " section within the settings of the Denon DJ SC5000M Media Player, usually, when attempting this procedure, thanks again :+1::pray::thinking::notes:

@Buddafingaz101 Try to copy paste from notepad or similar. It looks like you type/copy-paste from a text-editor that messes up your layout on this forum. Changed that for other members to make it readable, but I’m not going to edit every post by you of course. :wink:

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Its cool, I got it fixed already, thanks tho :+1::pray::sunglasses:

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