My Computer does not see the console Dj sc Live 2

Good evening.I installed the Engine Dj software but my computer does not see my console. What can I do?

Are you in the same network, no firewall blocking the program? Is Your sc live updated to 3.0? Is Engine dj also 3.0?

What do you mean by your computer does not see your console? What are you trying to do? Are you trying to use the console in computer mode with Serato/Virtual DJ? or are you trying to use remote library? What software versions are you running? Mac/PC? Connected via USB/ethernet/wifi?

You really need to give as much information as you can when asking for help if you want people to respond with a solution. Most people aren’t interested in playing the guessing game.

Good morning. actually after several tests I managed to connect the sc live 2 to the computer. the controller sees the computer but i can’t interact between controller and pc. in the sense that I can’t start the songs from the controller to the pc software or command them.tabtomeno change the bpm select the songs etc… in short, there is no interaction between the controller and the pc software.

So it has to be connected to your WiFi connection and your router has to support something called multicast. Most do but you may have to check.

Have you tried plugging the Ethernet connection from your computer to your SC Live and doing it direct?

You have to go to the SOURCE button and choose your computer from the list. Then yes YES when it asks for permission.

As others have said, we need a little more info.

I think it’s possible that you’ve misunderstood how this system works though. The Engine software that runs on your computer is not DJing software (like Serato, Virtual DJ, Traktor etc), it’s only meant for library management. …other than the new remote library feature, you can’t control the software running on your PC from your controller.

Ok thank you very much now I understand…

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HI if there is no dialogue between the controller and the software how can I register the set?

I don’t understand your question, could you elaborate a little?

You can register your device here: Customer Login

You use the record function on the unit.

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Are you on Windows? Is there a driver that needs to be installed?

Ok i try. Thanks a lot

Yes I did and there is connection …

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Ok it works thanks a lot

Yes i’m in windows 11.The drives it’s ok