Midi specification sc live 4

Hello everyone, I’m very interested in the midi specification for sc live 4 I can’t find it anywhere! Help! Please!

Is it midi -

Or does it connect to DJ software with HID instead of midi.

it works like a regular MIDI controller too, but since there is no MIDI specification, it is impossible to write down everything that is required…

I assume it will not be too different from what we know from SC6000 and LC6000 if it is about the decks. For LC6000 I know you can get it.

Also you could use it with Serato and monitor the MIDI messages which are send.

Some time ago I found a software on PC that allows you to view on the monitor the code (note) that is sent by the MIDI device. Try searching online if you find something similar. Now I don’t remember the name of it.

There’s one called MIDIView (for Mac and Windows) but there are plenty of other Google results too.

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Midiox on windows is a very good tool to find out whats coming in and out of a midi controller.