Memory Cues / Visual Markers Feature Request

No man, phrasing is how music is produced, once you nail it and understand how it works, your creativity explodes because you understand how music is produced and why that amazing mix you did sounds right, taking the guesswork out of your work, makes you better faster stronger :wink:


Personally I’ve got nothing against adding features that help a DJ’s workflow. I understand the visual reminders. We all used them on vinyl looking for the break of unknown tracks.

For me, it’s not science to play/mix well. Being oldskool, like NoiseRiser and JonnyXDA, I guess I just feel when to mix. No matter how many tracks my collection contains. However, we are way past a few record-boxes in the booth, so I understand Kluberboy also.

Again, nothing against the request. That’s why they’re here for and to discuss them.

I just liked watching Ayrton Senna more than Alain Prost. :wink:


Way way past. Gone are the days of buying 5/6 records during the week and “knowing” your music by the weekend.

This week alone with absolutely no gigs, still downloaded over 60 tracks.

Fine I’ve done this long enough as well to be able to mix in and out of an unknown track based on the “feels” aka phrasing. Modern music is like maths.

A DJs attention is way divided now, so anything to help folks should not be dismissed as rubbish.

I’m listening to mixes, testing stuff, learning OBS, maintain social media, discovering new tunes, regular job, still trying to raise a family and do normal stuff.

PS I never got the hang of using memory cues back when I owned a pair of CDJs. This was 7/8 years ago. But I know DJs who swear by it.


What he said. I have a day job and I do know my tracks fairly well but having a visual marker helps in a way that you know the mix is going to sound well because you practised at home… PS, I’ve been doing this for 20 years on and off, used vinyl, cds in the old rack Denons when they created the first cd MP3 reader and I own a DDJ 1000 and Prime4. I really like the Prime4 but there’s 2 big things letting it down, the software and the effects, but that’s another topic :laughing:

Takes away the nature of it all really. Like headphone mixing or standing around jiggling in front of an illuminated “checkerboard” all night, every night.

It’s like watching a train set go around and around a preset path, whereas mixing music by more natural means is more like the freedom of having a radio control drone instead. Mixing-by-numbers, no thanks.

You’re being nieve when you say that. What do you think you do when your mix sounds right? You’re mixing using maths, because that’s how music is created, if you choose to ignore it that’s up to you, but I want to have all the tools I can to make my set sound good every time. Do you think any big DJ plays by ear when they go play at a club or festival? Or they prepare a set in advance at home, set cues, practice, practice and practice? I used to write notes on my vinyls to make my life easier, this is the same but gone digital. If you can do a set with no cues, or visual aids whatsoever kudos to you, I could but I rather not because I have a day job.

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I’m sure there are many DJs who mix by ear, and have a day job though. Those two elements do not /have/ to be mutual exclusives.

I do mix by ear, I beatmatch, I’ve learnt that 20 years ago, with a ■■■■ reloop turntable that would go out of sync, a technics 1200, and cds. The point is, I don’t care how you do your stuff, if you use sync, if you use cues, if you prepare your sets or just wing it. As long as it sounds nice and the crowd is enjoying it. I didn’t create this feature request for that. I want to have more options on my Denon Hardware the same as Pioneer has for years because DJs coming from Pioneer are having a hard time to adjust to Denon because of some simple features. If Denon hears the people that use their decks and adds more features everyone benefits, because Pioneer will finally have competition and Denon will creep back into DJ boots in clubs and that can only be healthy. Late 90s early 2000s you would only see Denon CD players, the rack ones, with the bend buttons :laughing:. Those were kings, I would like to see more diverse hardware in clubs and have a healthy competition between those 2 brands that in the end benefits all of us.


That’s more like it !

That’s fine. We’ll leave it there. I’ll cross my fingers for your feature request. :pray:t2:

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I have a daily job, a family to care, shopping to do, weekend job and I renovate my house at the moment. Still I am able to mix by ear and with not looking at any display or marker. I can mix vinyl, cd, usb, midi, what ever you give me. I also like scratching and I practice at least 4 times a week (during todays lockdowns). All is possible, just need time management.

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Hi Noise Riser, I didn’t start a post to ask about your DJ skills/experience, but instead, I would like Denon to add a feature to their software. We will have to agree to disagree and you keep on doing your thing and I’ll do mine. One doesn’t stop the other. I think we can agree that the more/ better features the equipment has the better. Cheers


…and another typical thread for this forum (sadly). User requests a feature (that is common on most competitor’s devices, btw.) and gets talked down by a few who wouldn’t use the feature, anyway.

If you don’t need it and it doesn’t get in your way - why even bother?


Yeah in any discussion there’s a big chance for it to get muddy. I hope it’s still meant as “why would you want it and why would I miss it; let’s discuss this”.

Some requests are fresh ideas, some are more like copy the standard or what everybody is used to. I hope the DenonDJ units become more fresh and copy some useful stuff.

The people I know who own Pioneer will not even change to DenonDJ. Not because they would miss features, but because they only use half of the current Pioneer player features. Why bother changing.


I didn’t say anything that the feature is not welcome or not needed. I just wanted to point out some laziness in people that go so far with the tech (wich I personally love to be as advanced as possible) that they relay on it so hard that they can’t play a decent dj set without any technological help. I am totally with the idea of visual markers, idea is good and welcome. What I am against is that people refer to such things as - You must have it because I always used it and others have it! - bulls**t. I used competitors gear for years and I don’t miss anything they had to offer. Adapt, improve, innovate, not just copy.

ok … now take one step back… ALL OF YOU!!

Realy 'm laughing my ass of here reading all this !!

Did your periods got synced?? If so… do you used the syncbutton or beatmatched it yourself??

Come on guys give it a rest ^^


Laughing my *ss out. :rofl:

I would never use sync, you can beatmatch periods by ear, I learnt it 20 years ago on crappy turntables

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You gotta be kidding me right? :roll_eyes:

Lighten up buddy, have some fun here, it’s all about positive and constructive vibes here

Good for you m8, i actually let that ship “sync” a while ago.

When ■■■■ hits the fan and those functions fail… real dj’s will survive. it’s like that picture of those Technics 1200’s with the subscript “These days, everyone is a dj, untill you show them a pair of these”

Good and lovely skill to own (doin the very same for 20 years as well)

When will this ever happen or the likelihood?

Most of the time you walk into a venue you will find a device with Sync boldly written on it.

If i happen to walk into a club that have only provided technics or CDJ 200 or those dual denon players in this day and age, then there are bigger problems.


I’m talking from an open format perspective.

Worst case scenario have a €200 Numark in my backpack and im good to go. I need all those goodies lol ie Sync, beatgrids and tempo read outs!