Memory Cues/Markers for are Engine DJ?

I have had no luck reading through the web to find out if Engine Dj has added Memory Cues.

I love my SC Live 4 but can’t seem to find this feature or at least a workaround?

Anyone have a substitute for this that they use? Vidmate

There are no Memory Cues in Engine. However, Rekordbox is the only system relying on those. Engine, Traktor, Serato, VDJ & co. all do perfectly fine with the standardized 8 Hot Cues. Personally, I don’t need more than those. You can still use them as mere track indicators, similar to Memory Cues, but even labeled and color-coded. Plus, Engine has always offered the choice between momentary vs trigger behavior (similar to “gated cue” in RB).

Memory Cues are a relic of bygone times, where the high-end CDJs (1000/2000) only hat 3 Hot Cues and the mid-tier CDJs (800/850/900) none at all, just their 10 memory cues. SC5000 has 8 RGB multi-mode performance pads since 2017, which is the way to go imho.

By the way, we have an existing topic about your question already, you might find more answers here: Memory Cues / Visual Markers Feature Request - #20 by kluberboy


if you play 2 channels then this is quite enough, for playing 4 channels visual markers are quite useful and they are extremely lacking. I have tracks in which 8 hot cues are not enough to mark everything I need.

I would be happy if they added 8 more hot cues, even which cannot be called through the performance pads. This would partially solve the problem. I would use this layer as memory markers.

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You could use loop markers in the mean time.

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Oh, so only RB DJs can play 4 decks nowadays? Interesting.

Also, extremely lacking maybe for some, but not everyone. Again, I don’t say no (I don’t care) to adding this feature - if there is enough demand, they devs may consider it. But as for now, the 8 Hot Cues is all we (and everyone outside of RB) have. This is what I replied to the OP.

Tbh I’m not sure if there is a dedicated feature request topic for this (the one where you can +vote) but afaik there’s one.

I did not say that only RB can be used to play 4 channels. For example, a tractor allows you to use 32 hot cues and as far as I remember in VDJ there is no limit on the number of cue points. I can use both of my SC6000s to play 4 channels, it’s a little more difficult because there are a lot more things to remember. Or use loops in addition to hot cues as mentioned above as visual markers. Or use other workarounds, for example, third-party software that works through stagelinq.

I agree that this feature may not be needed by many DJs, but there are those people for whom this is an important part of their workflow.

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