We are preparing the next firmware release for MCX8000. Before we release publicly, we would like to test privately with a smaller group. This is a private beta (under NDA) so you will not able to discuss features within this build publicly.
If you are interested and agree with above, please download this NDA agreement. Once completed send signed copy to beta@denondj.com using MCX8000 BETA TEST as the email subject line and be sure to include your forum user name in the email body.
I think they are just collecting the names and contact info for people who think they could beta test. It’s usual in beta tests that lots of people want the end result but fewer have got the compulsion to help.
I am currently building the team and will send all members of that team a private message when the firmware download is ready. I expect to start testing a week from today as I’d like to onboard a few more members to help with testing. So far I only have the 7 members.
Hey @kradcliffe - Sorry you felt that way. Your feedback helped us identify and solve a number of bugs so thank you for your effort and contributions.
Not a frequent poster on the forum but I do like to participate. Running my mcx8000 on a Dell ultrabook with serato but also have a stick always ready if the laptop fails.
Haven’t been using the standalone features a lot though because I didn’t like how it sounded for some reason.
Hope to hear from you and good to see there’s still development going on on the mcx8000!
Hi JWill, honestly, I really would like to be part of the testing group, but:
The NDA is only available in english and not in my native language german. Most of the terms I cant evaluate.
I am a new User on the MCX8000 and currently having some technical issues with it, and I dont know where they are coming from.
I dont know if it is possible to reset the firmware to a previous version if something goes wrong and if potential issues where covered by the warranty of my new bought MCX.
In general a lot points that hold me back from attending your firmware test.
Definitely would like to take part in beta testing as I’ve used the mx8000 for a year, 90% of the time in standalone mode ranging from 1hour set to 6hour sets weekly and have had a few issues along the way ,the last update did improve but there is still a few bugs that pop up every now and again.
Thanks for your interest the enrollment period is now closed. I will message the group soon with more details.
@headroom - Sorry you are having difficulties please review the MCX8000 area of the forum to see if you can find an answer to your questions. If you don’t have any luck, feel free to start a new discussion and the community and staff can assist.