Fairly frequently the Match Rules don’t work to restrict the tracks shown, e.g. I’ll select Compatible, or Fuzzy for key, but then is still shows all the tracks, regardless of the key. I can toggle the Match Rules on and off, but it does not make a difference. If I restart the deck it will then start working as expected again. I have my music on a SSD in one of the decks, and connect them via ethernet. I don’t recall when this issue started, but it is possible it was around the time I switched from primarily using MP3s to WAV / AIFF. I’m on 4.0.0. Any ideas about this?
Where specifically are you trying to activate the rules? It has to be in the collection or a playlist as far as I can tell (not in the folder view). I think the master deck has to be playing too, and possibly even set as the lead, the dual layer might be causing this on yours. Have you read the manual thoroughly to ensure you’re not missing a step?
I can’t say it’s ever not worked on my device, and I’ve used it hundreds of times since it was added.
This happens to me when in the Collection (I don’t usually use playlists). I’m 99% sure this happens when the master deck is playing and shows as the lead, but I would double check that next time. I don’t think its related to dual layers, but will double check that next time it happens. Good point…I’ll check the manual. Appreciate for the response, and suggestions!
Toggling “Follow Lead Deck” on or off fixed it for me. I’m a little confused by this behaviour, as it seems inconsistent. Will need to do some experimenting.