MacOS no output controls


I own a x1800 prime with two sc5000 media players, and i wanted to plug my pc into my x1800 to play some music from it while i was away at an event. However, it seems my pc struggled to push audio through it!! I’m not used to MacOS yet, but i don’t think i’m lacking drivers, or similar issues: when the USB cable is plugged in, i get x1800 as a possible output, but there’s no sound going to it, and the system settings say that “The selected device has no input/output controls”.

What could this mean? Thanks in advance^^ <3

I think it defaults to channel 1.

I’m not at home to check.

Switch it to USB A or B.

Choose the X1800 as the output in Mac Audio settings.

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i did switch to the x1800 output, but it shows as inactive in the mac settings. what do you mean by “switch it to usb a or b”?

Did you give it permission in the Security/Privacy settings?