Live 4 PC Mode

I have a SC Live 4, and when in pc mode , using serato, i can select tracks and they load partially. Wave file is available but no bpm’s are shown. Then when I push play, it doesn’t do anything. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?

Maybe @mufasa can help you, since he uses Serato.

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I don’t have an SC Live…but all my other devices with screens work as it should with serato.

Are you able to record and share a video/picture of the SCLive screen with Serato

I have this similar issue. I’ve been on Serato support since februari and ran multiple tests for them but still no solution. Strange thing is when i get it to work it works flawless. I just cant find a work order for it work right away and it can take up to 30 minutes or when i get fed up for it to work. Only thing I Noticed this issue occuring when plugin in a extra monitor in the HDMI slot or plugin in a USB camera when at first Serato and the device where running fine. I’m running Serato on a Lenovo Legion 5 Ryzen 7 16Gb RTX3060