Issues with Engine auto-writing library folder to Akai MPC and Force internal volumes

I’m on a Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2019 iMac, with 32gb RAM. Updated to 3.3 a couple days ago. I also own an Akai MPC Live, and an Akai Force. I have both connected over USB. I noticed today that Engine was attempting to write library folders to the internal volumes on those devices. It was not previously doing that with 3.2.

Additionally, I reported an issue where exporting to USB devices is failing, and along with the failed export - I keep getting messages that the USB devices have been ejected. This includes the internal storage on the MPC and Force. It’s concerning because the USB devices I was trying to export to seem to have been corrupted. MPC and Force do not seem to be corrupted, and to be very clear - I was NOT exporting to those devices.

I’m reading your post and wondering why you have both Akai devices not only connected to your computer, but both turned on AND in storage mode - while you’re using Engine DJ?


I use the mpc regularly to write SD cards, and have for years since I bought my prime gear. I was having the corruption issue, so I also tried the force.

Also, I frequently jam using ableton, the mpc in controller mode, and my SC5ks and x1850 setup. This is not a rare use case for me.

This issue went away when I downgraded to 3.2.

Are you certain that Engine is actually writing the library folders to the internal storage on the MPC? (ie: when the MPC is back in standalone are the files on the internal storage?) I ask this only because when the MPC is in controller mode, it’s just that, a controller. As a controller the filesystem displayed in the GUI is that of your MAC not the MPC internal/SD/SSD etc. so the library files you see could very well be the mounted USB device which you have exported your library too. When my MPC is in controller mode I see all connected/mounted drives show up in the MPC GUI including multiple mapped drives from my NAS.