Issue Syncing Playlists in Engine DJ 4.0.0 (Windows 10)

Hi everyone,

I’m encountering a critical issue with Engine DJ 4.0.0 on Windows 10, and I’m hoping someone here might be able to help or provide some insights. I’m preparing a set for an important event, and I’ve run into a problem that’s really throwing me off.

I created a playlist on my computer, complete with cue points and everything, but when I try to transfer this playlist to an SD card (or multiple USB drives) to use with my SC Live 4, the playlist doesn’t show up on the device, even though it appears to sync correctly from my computer.

After some troubleshooting, I suspect the issue might be related to the playlist name, which contains an unusual character (“XB-<K”). It seems that while the playlist works fine on the computer, the SC Live 4 running Engine DJ 4.0.0 might be unable to handle playlists with non-standard characters in their names.

I’ve tried renaming the playlist, but the software doesn’t let me do it, nor does it allow me to copy the contents to a new playlist. In fact, it seems like I can’t modify any of my previously created playlists. To work around this, I created a new playlist and attempted to copy the tracks from the problematic one, but nothing gets copied. Even dragging the tracks from the search bar or directly from Windows Explorer into the new playlist doesn’t work.

What’s even more concerning is that Engine DJ now isn’t saving any of the new playlists I try to create, making me think the software is somehow stuck. The program runs fine, but I can’t make any changes to my playlists.

As I’m writing this, I’m optimizing the database to see if that might help, but I’m not too optimistic.

I wanted to report this potential bug and see if anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this.

Thanks in advance for your help!


How did the optimising go? This is part of a known issue (i.e. the issue itself is known but whether the cause is known or not… i’m not sure)… did you get any positive results?

I am having the same problem with 4.2. Did you get it resolved?

I posted about this too:

Same here. iMac, Prime4, PrimeGo and SC6000. Unable to copy the playlist. But surprice, If i change the playlist name, i could copy the playlist to next SD. If wanted to copy on third SD, i must rename again… does not make sense.

In my case, it solved itself. I renamed the playlist. And few days after I could copy it

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Solved!!! Database was corrupted. I reloaded backup database and it fixed the issue.

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