Improve push response on the jog wheel

I find that the Jog wheel on my SC6000s are not as precise as they should be. If I try to accelerate a track quite a bit by pushing the jog wheel at a high speed, it does not respond to the acceleration that I am giving it, and it forces me to push it less quickly so that it does respond but it does not do so at the pace that I want in certain situations. I have tried all the sensitivity settings, but none of them solve it.

Do you think it would be a problem that can be solved by updating the firmware? That it had a feel more similar to a turntable

Do you mean the maximum speed you can bend with the jog is too low even if you rotate it very fast, or do you mean that there seems to be a slight latency or lag between your input and the resulting outcome?

The first one. Not only is it very slow, but when you try to accelerate hard it does not respond, it does not accelerate even more slowly. Which forces you to accelerate the jog wheel more slowly, so that it recognizes my orders. The same one can be applied to slow down when you try to do a heavy bend down.

I think that a feel more similar to a turntable would be better

Care to share a video if possible?

On another note. If you need a real heavy bend during a mix, the original drop-in of a track wasn’t really good. :blush:


If you’re on the SC6000 (and not the SC6000M), it seems to me that you should have a “Jog sensitivity” setting that allows you to adjust the responsiveness of the jogwheels in the unit settings. Check that this parameter is not set to the minimum.

I put it to the maximum, but this don’t make nothing if you push with high speed on the jog wheel. I expected to have a feel more similar to a turntable, when you have no limit to how hard you push the platter.

Could you post a video?

What you are describing is very strange because SC players are known to have a very high jog sensitivity and much too high for many users by default, which generally forces you to make only small, tight movements.

The sensitivity is very high, I don’t doubt this, I usually put the sensitivity to medium or minimum. But when you make a high speed push (like a freewheel), the jog wheel don’t detect this high speed movement without any effect on the tune.

Please sir, [insert meme].

Seriously, a 1000 post cannot describe things as good a 15sec video. Don’t waste these good people’s time.

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Side of jog or top platter?

Plastic films off ?

I don’t have a Sc6000 here but I did a test with an LC6000 connected to an SC6000M with a double instant and I couldn’t reproduce your problem here.

When the jogwheel of the LC6000, which is identical to those of the sc6000, is sent quickly forwards or backwards, I do have an offset with the reference track.

Hmm, it is slightly slower to respond to your inputs than an old CDJ or a Hanpin, and the maximum rotation rate that does anything seems a little slow, like it’s capped a little low, even on the most sensitive setting. Maybe InMusic can improve the response and bend range in the firmware. In the meantime, I suggest you try using the pitch fader more and use the jog bend as an adjunct.

Jog wheel, not the top platter, this one works perfect

What works perfect? Did you replace the unit?

Re-reading this thread, it almost sounds like you’re saying past a certain high rotation speed it completely ignores your bend input rather than just failing to further increase the bend rate. That has certainly not been my experience.

The unit is the orignal one that I have purchased some years ago. Always did this.

Certainly the quality of the jog wheel in general seems to me to be the poorest in terms of construction. Light years ahead of the competition

Can you just post a video finally so we can see if you have a hardware defect, software issue or a skill issue?

No, I am now working out of my studio. When I come back I will try to upload a video. For sure is not a skill issue, I am a DJ with almost 30 years behind me.

The jog wheel has some play up and down, is this normal? If I pull it up it has play. Seems to be a “cheap” part, don’t feel a solid part like some other brands.

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I found that this issue only appears when I am mixing using the dual layer and vinyl mode. I am not sure if with the vinyl mode disabled the problem persists. Definitely the issue exists.