If you're thinking about getting the MC7000, think twice about whether you need this piece of s*it. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Yes I did once get a weird noise on my 7000s. It sounded like a jet plane taking off. Turned out it was human error. I had not taken the filter off of deck 2 when playing deck 1 and deck 2 fader was down. Tried recreating issue and only about 1 in 50 times did it. Other issue was decks locked up during playback. Turned out to be cheapo chinese macbook charger. Then there were library issues on serato. Sorted that one by taking out all tracks that had the warning mark beside them. In all all errors on unit turned out to be human error. Air cans can do quite a lot of damage sometimes by blowing things apart or blowing something over something and it’ gets stuck and shorts out

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@marksettle maybe if your NDA is expired you can share with us any info about this, I for one had a long suspicion that inMusic found 90% of it already done with factories ready for production and just said “ok, might as well continue…”

Альтернатива штатным фейдарм однозначно есть, они точно не уникальные. Доберись до регуляторов и посмотри их маркировку, ищи по ней. Если маркировка отсутствует, измерь габаритные размеры регуляторов - длину, ширину, высоту, расстояние между выводами, глубину хода ползунка, далее ищи по этим размерам. Чтобы добраться до выключателей cue/play, сними верхнюю металлическую панель вокруг джога, это нужно чтобы добраться до винта, крепящего регулятор питча, этот винт не даст снять плату джога, на которой выключатели. Далее открути все винты, откручивающиеся шестигранником и расположенные по всем 4 торцам устройста, а также открути винты, крепящие разъемы аудио выходов, после этого сними нижнюю крышку. Далее нужно будет снять плату с аудио входами/выходами, это непросто, поэтому я просто немного вытащил ее горизонтально к центру устройства, это позволит немного приподнять плату вверх, чтобы добраться до винтов, крепящих плату джога внутри. Еще нужно отпаять от платы жесткий отрезок провода, идущий на джог (по этому проводу передается сигнал, определяющий касание рукой металлической части джога), после этого аккуратно сможешь вытащить плату наружу и перевернуть ее. При установке платы обратно не закручивай сразу все винты, особенно труднодоступные, проверь нормальную работу всех кнопок (у меня при сборке одна из кнопок перекочилась и пришлось после почти полной сборки разбирать снова).

Вышенаписанное относится к моему MCX8000, но твой 7000 - его близнец, наверняка внутреннее исполнение идентично у обоих за исключением небольших отличий, обусловленных разницей моделей. Я находил в сети видео разборки MCX8000, там мужик полностью вынимал и плату с аудио разъемами. Наверное тебе это пригодится, если ты хочешь добраться до канальных фейдеров.

Вот, нашел резистор, но в наличии нет, зато видна маркировка. Изучай как ее расшифровать, тогда станут известны его параметры, после этого можно найти замену. CHANNEL FADER - SLIDE POT - DENON MC4000 MC6000 MK2 MC7000 MCX8000 - 418-6K2-717

Well… I stopped signing NDAs. Manufacturers either trusted me or they didn’t. Because without trust, there is no relationship.

That said, I have no real information to add to this. Timeline wise, the deal to snap up Denon DJ was April 2014, the MCX8000 was released July 2016, and the MC7000 was a month later.

Given that both units were complex beasts, I suspect that they were in the advanced stages of design when inMusic took over, but still early enough for them to make changes, or kill them completely.

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Seeing as both units are now legacy I wonder what the possibility of in music releasing the firmware on request to those that want to try and rewrite it themselves ??

Does American law allow to do what Inmusic Brands has done - stop supporting devices that have not been completed to the end? Maybe American citizens could sue?

They are silent.

Yup I feel your pain I was a Microsoft beta tester. We spent three years working xp over to 7. Then they pulled plug and released Vista which was what we as beta testers started off with to get to win 7

I assumed the same considering the design of jogwheel that was more in line with the new branding in contrast with the use of old Engine.

I think most user fail to understand is how much time before the unit is released the process of designing starts and even more how software partners influence the features and layout.

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I think most user fail to understand is how much time before the unit is released the process of designing starts and even more how software partners influence the features and layout.

Indeed. I have stories for days about such things. But needless to say that the product is pretty much cast in stone at a much earlier stage than people understand. It’s far more involved than throwing some bits and bobs in a plastic case that can be changed because of a blog comment right up to throwing pallets of new shiny into a container ship.

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Depends on the product but 3 years is no exception in different branches.

Ive had my MC7000 since mid 2017 and honestly its been great. Not had 1 single issue with it. I sometimes take to events with me and i have a radio show every week and i take it with me there. So despite being moved around alot and things being connected and disconnected for 5yrs its worked like a champ.

I sometimes use CDJ’s if provided at events but mostly prefer to bring my MC7000, or SC5000’s. Its rear connectivity is outstanding for what its price point was at the time of release. Im using the latest version of Serato on a Dell Precision i7 laptop with 24GB ram. Built with Windows 7 Pro 64bit. Super stable and none of the Win10 drawbacks like freaking updates right in the middle of a set.