Did you try the system on line audio output? Because at 11.4v, the power management of the system cut the audio output and headphones volume at 10% and leave just the speakers to work in normal volume conditions, that work for 6-7 hours. So practically any use of battery pack without a circuit dc/dc to maintain the voltage at 12v is impossible to reach more then 2h playing if you need to use the main audio output. I tried to power with 20.000 battery bank and the system turned down the volume on audio output and headphones when the powered voltage of the battery bank reached 11.4v. So if your system is stable, please send here exactly what kind of battery packs you used and how you linked all together including the recharge part and the capacitors pack.
Hey folks. I usually stay out of these conversations, because it’s already obvious that this sort of thing is totally going to void your warrantee.
However in this case, voiding your warrantee is going to be the least of your problems using this setup.
It needs to be said:
- There is no charge control in this set up. If you plug this in, there is a rather significant chance of fire. Lithium batteries require active circuitry to manage the charge state. This is flat out dangerous. It’s possible that tan_mao is unscrewing the bottom and removing the batteries every time they want to charge it, but since that hasn’t actually been stated, I’m considering this a straight fire hazard.
- There is likely no under voltage lockout circutry here. When batteries run low, they drop in voltage. If lithium ion / polymer batties drop below a certain voltage, they go bad. If the system runs on a lower voltage than it should, you can get anything from crashes to data loss. Since there’s no way to know what the battery voltage is, you have no idea when you’re system is gonna get tweaky on you.
tan_mao is welcome to correct me on any of these particulars… but given the general lack of documentation I can only say… don’t do this. Just don’t. It’s not worth the risk.
That’s a lot of probability to bring fire that console with 12000 mah inside with lots of wires sticked with tape. Fortunately that kind of lipo batteries packs have already inside all the circuits for all protections, the only problem i see are the connections, and also useless because the mainboard doesn’t accept voltage lower, so is kind of non sense to take the risk just for 1-2h of power by battery on the built in speakers only. In this case is better to use an external power bank and you are good to go, without avoid the warranty and make a barbecue from your mixstream pro
Any suggestions for external batteries? I’m planning to run with mine (long story…) so looking for something as light as possible!!!
You could always ask DJ SUAT https://www.instagram.com/suatism/?hl=en
This took 5 seconds to find on Amazon, 3KG, light and portable.
Thanks, I know SUAT, but he doesn’t run with his (much!) and complains about the weight! He sometimes uses XDJ RX2, sometimes Denon Prime Go. He uses Goal Zero batteries. https://www.goalzero.com/
Looks good but not for running Will continue investigating!
However, for a Mixstream it’s absolute overkill. Also, 3kg ain’t light and portable.
Something like XTPower powerbanks certainly are. 15.6Ah or 20Ah, two choices, both with variable voltage output, reliable PD protocol and good ratings. I have the smaller version and it runs fine with my SC Live 4, which takes about 12-15W. The Mixstream Pro lasts even longer, since it only sips 7-10W. I know about several users who also use them with Akai products. As long your device has a DC connector and doesn’t peak over 50W, it should work just fine.
I would always recommend something like this over self-hacked batteries inside.
Another example here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DenonPrime/comments/yzzu1n/the_sc_live_4_paired_with_a_power_bank_makes_it_a/
I carry 7.5kg of camera gear with me on Landscape shoots so 3 is easy enough, and I didn’t know the context the guy wanted to use the equipment… like if it’s to do a party in a park etc then those power units are ideal.
That Denon setup looks awesome!!! Thanks. Although I don’t need 4 channels so I will likely stick with the Numark. Going to check that power option out in more detail. I will borrow a Mixstream Pro again to check how much power it draws. I need 5.5 hours ideally. Aiming to run a marathon in under 5 whilst DJing… It’s for charity. Still working on my kit list evidently!
Yeah my situation is a bit unique but always good to share what works for you as others will likely read the thread and what’s perfect for you could be for them too.
Won’t the Prime go be the best unit? It’s got all the power of the other prime units in a tiny and battery powered package.
I don’t think the prime go reliably lasts 5.5 hours?
If it does then I will reconsider. As I understand it I’d need external power on top (weight) and it has no speakers (I will use as monitors). I’ll have two external speakers too (super low latency minirigs) - so far I think the Mixstream Pro is probably best. And it’s cheaper. Exactly the same weight as the Prime Go if recall correctly.
I have used the Prime Go before in a slightly unconventional setup as promo for eco travel to a festival… Gus F on Instagram: "I'll be leading @thefullcirclefestival x @evieondemand eco soundsystem from La Frégate to the festival on Sat and Sun leaving 14:30! 🚲🎛️🎶🙌 Full details in bio 👆 #music #soundsystem #jerseyci #visitjersey #theislandbreak #soundboks #dj"
The Go lasts between 3.5-4.5hrs, but not longer.
The Mixstream Pro together with my suggested powerbank easily reaches 5-6 hrs, plus you have the larger jogwheels, separate VU ch-meter mode, integrated speakers and an overall lower price. Not to mention, you can easily replace the power source anytime. Or add a second one for some lights.
The smaller XT-16000QC3 already has 57Whr which is plenty, but if you need even more, its bigger brother has 73Whr (lasting 7-8hrs with the Mixstream) while still being reasonably light with ~450gr.
I use https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08ML1PHB2/ with USB C Type-C PD to 12V 5.5x2.1mm Converter Cable for Fan Table Lamp Router Modem | eBay.
Costs like $50, provides 3A @ 12v (same as the MSP’s power brick) runs for about 7.5hrs with speakers on a reasonable volume, and doesn’t void any warranty. Only down side is you can’t use it in passthru mode as a mini-UPS, but shrug
This is a great solution, to also not need the original power brick, great stuff! Thank you!!
It’s neat, isn’t it? I use it even when I’m at home, because the freedom to just carry it through the house and play anywhere is immense.
Can’t take the credit for the idea, I saw someone suggest it on a forum post when the MSP was first announced.
The only downside is the lack of earthing makes the capacitive touch wheels a little less responsive occasionally, but you get that with any non-earthed power source. At some point I’ll check whether using an earthing wrist strap connected to the 0v fixes that, but given that I don’t have mad turntablist skillz it doesn’t bother me enough to have got around to it yet.
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