I had to go back to 3.40 (SC6000)

I have to say that I do like latest version (4.0) but I had to go back to previous one. I always want to be up to date but this time it has been impossible. Another important thing to say is that downgrade from 4.0 to 3.4 has been very simple using an USB, another big point for Engine software.

Main reason for this downgrade has been library view, which I think it has a good design in 4.0 but we have lost something very important for, we have lost playing track view while you in library view. With this track view in library, I was able to know how much time I could spend searching for the next track and where the needle is. Another reason is that in playing track view layer A now it is up and B Down, I was used to look down and sometimes I am lost, I have been trying a few days but I don’t get used to this new view and I don’t want to fail in my next gig.

Denon, I do like new improvements and new layouts, but in my opinion, you can not remove layouts that we have been using for two years o more. My suggestion is adding a new optional view with 3.40 layout in library and track playing.

This is what I am talking about:


Yes totally agree on this one. Having the playing tracks waveform while searching the library is crucial! Please bring this back in future updates!


Agree 100 percent I’m back to 3.4 after 3 days from update. 4.0 have nice look but I have problem on loading screen and the reason is back to 3.4 to no make mistake.

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We’re back at the "have every legacy layout and function kept in reserve on the off-chance that someone or some-two doesn’t like the new way. " stage again.

Perhaps a “best of both worlds” compromise can be found.

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In my opinion, it is not something about layout, it is something about losing functionality. In 3.40 you were able to see playing waveform and needle position while you were in in library view, in 4.0 it has disappeared.

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Maybe this could be the place to raise it? as its technically part of the library view.


If you are happy with 3.4.0 then it’s not a must have to update to the newer OS.

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Ok, thank you.

I always want to up to date, I hope this func will be back.

I can’t speak for the developers, but its clear they have had a change in direction with the new interface, so id say its possibly unlikely such a decision is made… but I could be wrong.

Has anyone with the same prime as the op, looked at what is still shown? This enquiry popped up (from the same op?) with a cut n paste threat of selling it/throwing it out the window etc and someone replied to that showing a screen shot of the full track view, progress/play head etc albeit reduced to the bottom centimetre strip of the screen, but stilll very usable for seeing where playback in the current playing track has reached