How to prevent changes in tracks (in Prime 4) from being saved to USB stick automatically?

I would like to keep the loops that I exported on my stick… after disabling the loops in Prime 4 the tracks is saved like that -without the loops -

how can I keep PRIME 4 from saving it?

thank you

What do you mean by “disabling loops”?

Loops aren’t deleted when “disabled” (single push pad to activate, single push pad or encoder to deactivate when enabled)

Loops only are deleted when you push shift + loop

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Thanks for your reply. When messing around with loops (adding some loops on the fly, deleting these etc.) it happened that I also deleted (not only disabled) the ones I prepared in Engine Prime…was hoping that it`s not a “destructive” process but it seems so. Not possible to switch that auto-save-to-stick off?

No, if you push shift+pad it will be permanently deleted from your stick - It’s the correct behavior and needed for syncing back to Engine (computer)

If you want to keep the loops, you can plug back to computer and sync again computer → stick WITHOUT syncing stick → computer.

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ok thanks alot!!

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