How to lock beat grid for multiple tracks

I have hundreds of tracks, were I have manually adjusted the beat grid. Is there a way to select multiple tracks and lock the beat grid? Else it’s a lot of effort to click each single track. Thx Marc

No way to lock multiple tracks.

I suggest to start a feature request


Moin @Marc_Marc,

this is a never ending story. I posted in this matter more than once.

The main post is as follows and not a finished story yet. So pls feel free to vote for it.

As @mufasa posted, there is no way to lock mutiple tracks. This should be a separate feature request or enlarge above mentioned request.

Enjoy the rainy sunday and brgds from HAM



Hello mufasa and BeatMaster, thx for your response - i have created a feature request for this topic

feel free to vote for it :+1:

now with the right link to the feature request

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