How to find

The 300gb of music in addition to my library in my prime 4 (900gb)

from my library in my computer which is 600gb?

I would also like to know why the rating from the controller is still not possible, when people have been asking for this function since 2020?..

I don’t think more people have asked for functions like the “echo fader” for example

I take advantage of this post to give my opinion on this software disaster that is engine, Still not possible to do rating with the controller, still not possible to “pair” two pieces that go well together in the “match” function No programmable pad, no quantization with Roll Mode no effect on the pads etc., etc…


I understand your rant, but I don’t understand your questions.

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On the contrary, the Echo Fader has been a game changing feature for my workflow, far more useful than any star rating.


how I can find, select and delete these 300gb of music on the hard drive of my prime 4

Just format it and re-export from your 600Gb collection


Exactly - some user errors can’t simply be fixed by the introduction of a “fix my own mess for me” button, which no one else may need.

There have been many requests (note: requests, not demands!) for lots of features to be added free of charge, and many have been added already. Rating tracks directly on player didn’t get as many votes as some of the hundreds of other requests … and again, requests should never be demands.

I understand this solution, but what should I do with all the hot cues that I created and which are on the songs in the controller’s hard drive (it’s so annoying to do them from the PC)

I don’t know how you manage your collection, but if you teorically have ‘the same’ collections on both pc and drive, you can plug to your pc, sync back to pc, check on pc side then re-export again.

Track rating on the player would be a god send for me also!


Except that the access paths are different…