How to copy from Prime 4+ SSD to Laptop

Hey all.

Looking for a bit of advice pls. I stupidly deleted my entire library on Engine Desktop (Mac) - my own fault but 4k tracks!

Part 1 of recovery is that I’ve restored all the files from Apple Music so the library is back intact, however, all the metadata is gone (playlists, cue points, loops, artwork, etc).

I do have a previous and up to date sync of the library on the Internal SSD on the prime 4+ which has all the data I need. I now want to use that prime 4 SSD copy to restore all the information back in Engine desktop, but it will not bring them back using the sync when I connect with the cable.

I need to continue to bring future tunes over so naturally want to be cautious on syncing from Engine desktop.

Any ideas? If there is another thread someone knows of already pls stick a link and I’ll read through.


Has your Engine library data not also been recovered?

If you’re on Mac are you not using time machine to keep backups? all the Engine data should be in your ‘Music’ folder.

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My fault Stu. This laptop is hanging on and bordering full. It’s old and I’m not using Time Machine. I hear the tuts :wink: I use Clean my Mac and have had a lot of issues recently with Engine desktop crashing so did some tidying but got too brutal. Good news is I got the artwork back by restoring track info but none of the playlists and cue points. They show when I cable connect but will just not sync back. Can you even get the playlists and cue points if the SSD is the master library?

Im not sure on the specifics but i think the issue will be the file paths of the DB on your SSD in comparison to the DB on the desktop, all the tracks will be red.

You might be able to pull the db files from the SSD, install them in the right place on the laptop then see what it looks like. Even if all the tracks are red you could work through them to point it back at the right place.

One of the other guys on here will be able to tell you exactly what to do, if you just wait patiently for one of them to answer… not my area of expertise im afraid.

Thanks Stu. I’ll sit tight. Last thing I want to do is sync from Mac and lose everything on the SSD which has my structures. Now I’m sat here thinking why did I… :man_facepalming:

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I think what you need to do, is create an ‘Engine Library’ folder in your music folder on the Mac, then copy across the DB files from the SSD into that folder. This should reinstate all the playlists.

Probably best to hang fire until one of the experts chimes in though, they will give you the correct process to follow.

Its not too dangerous as you’re only copying some files from the SSD root folder and into the mac music, you can easily delete it if it doesnt work. Im just not sure on exactly what can and cant be copied.

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STU!!! Thanks, think we are back in business…


Right ive just created a USB drive to test.

I think you can do the following:

  • Close down Engine desktop
  • Put your Prime in computer mode
  • go into the root folder of the SSD (in finder)
  • copy the ‘Database2’ folder from there
  • create a folder called ‘Engine Library’ in your music folder
  • paste the ‘Datbase2’ folder into there
  • open Engine desktop and see what it looks like

I followed your last steps and got everything back. All were Red (missing files). Ran an auto relocate and restored most. Now working through and tidying up duplicates. Appreciate the help mate.

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No probs, its a minor miracle my advice worked as im pretty much clueless with this stuff lol.

I thought it might work to some extent, and at least get you the playlists and cue points etc back.

Just make sure you at least take a manual backup to an external drive even if you dont use Time Machine, its a life saver.


Relocatinf tracks still do NOT work. Not for a single tracke, not for a selection and not for a directory.

Not sure that is the topic of the discussion here… we were simply trying to help someone who had accidentally deleted their data.