Hot Cue labeling by time or name

sorry, but I did not found an answer in this forum of the following question;

I see that, the Hot Cues in my SC6000m are labeled by “Cue 1, Cue 2” etc. For me, thats a waste of information in the screen. Cause the Cues are labeled by the colour to like on the hot cue buttons.

So is it possible, that on my SC6000M display is just the colour of the cue but instead of the label “Cue 1” is the exact time of the hot cue? So that shows me, where the hot cue is.

I know that from Serato and it helps me all the time, to see very quick, who long the intro beat is, when the track starts or what ever.

In Serato I can also label the hot cues by names, this is also a very helpful feature for a lot of DJs. I don’t use this, but I’ve seen a lot of club DJs in here, the organise theire hot cues like that.

Edit the hot cues in Engine dj, there You can add names to them.

and the time? there is no function? and no, i dont want to name the cue with time by every single hot cue :wink:

Right click the hot cue in engine dj. Change tag to what ever you want

No time. Where You put it, there it stays. And as for the name - You can even put in an emoji.

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In engine DJ software you can name the hot cues so they show that name on the players. If you want to name a hot cue “1min5secs” then that’s probably ok too.

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Wow thats definitve not good. Can I make this to an idea for a future update or are only moderators of the forum allowed to do this?


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Wow is it that complicated to manually rename them to timestamp?

And yes, you can create your own feature request, this would be a good one.

… yes of course, I rename a very huge libary by every single cue… genau. there is a lot of space in the sc6000 so you can list cue number (if needed), time, name and colours.

ok thanks.

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