Hide artist/track name

Hello there, i have recently purchased Denon P4+, moved from Pioneer to Denon I don’t like when there is complete naming of track on screen, because people filming it, taking sneak photos etc, on Pioneer u can see only track name (without artist) on the screen, on P4+ in 4 decks mode it’s same, but in 2 decks mode u have full track title on the screen. There is fine option in Denon P4+ - hide track name/artist, but it works really bad. This option hides tracks cover on jogs, and full title on the touchscreen, but after some playback (not long, 1 min at max) all titles appears on touchscreen, u need to go to options once again turn it off/on, titles disappears, but only until next track loaded and played a bit, then again and again. I’m running my denon on latest firmware. Is there any solution to this problem?

You’re a DJ and you don’t want people to know what you’re playing?!

Just how often are there people filming or photographing your screen? :thinking:

well, i’m spending hours every day to find rare edits (i’m doing it right now again), ofc i don’t wanna people able to get them in few secs, they can try to find music themselfes, i’m sharing what i produce myself - thats enough. For me it’s obvious that your playlist should be private, coz if anyone can have it - why invite u? Anyone can play same tracks.

How often? Every time i play, more then once per 2h set.

But question is about Denon Prime 4+, this hide track/artist option is working as intended or it’s a bug?

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Could be a bug:


Hi, if people ask what you are playing or make pictures… that is a compliment: you are doing something right. If the track is rare: they wouldnt find it any time soon, by then you found the next big track.

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I see bringing new music, obscure edits and hard to find mixes to my audiences as my mission. Mate, you are winning! Take it as a complement and share your track information if asked, good music shouldn’t stay hidden from a wider audience, the artists produced it to be heard not kept secret in a DJ’s crate. I don’t own the sole rights to a track and I’m always happy to allow people to take screen shots or write it down on a scrap of paper. Music is best shared, that’s what we do as DJs. Don’t be remembered as the grumpy DJ that wouldn’t share a track, be the one remembered for introducing something special to someone’s life. Spread the love :heart:


First of all I’d think taking a readable photo of a screen in dark club enviroment would be rather a challence. Especially with a smart phone or a iphone. And the real gems tend to have very large, thus scrolling, titles. For example: “Money For Nothing (Wescalatie Pussy Syndrome 5 Cut) 150 BPM”

But in the settings there is an option to dont show the metadata but only the raw filename instead. Maybe that’ll help.

Me to. To my audience. Not so much to a few local DJ who always put the least amount of effort into their playlists.

There is always a balance. You may want to hide your playlist but are willing to share the track name when someone asks you privately.

Anyway to all, stop with fake moralizing and be useful by testing the “hide track” option on your Prime hardware, there could be a bug or it’s not properly implemented.

thank you, looks like this bug still exist in 4.2

about sharing music: i wanna be able to choose what to share, when and with who, i’m always telling what is name of original track, but u must found edit yourself.

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Careful, the internet trolls are gonna find you and accuse you of gatekeeping :rofl:.

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If he’s the gatekeeper, who’s the keymaster? :laughing:

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