Help! I forgot to stop recording and press Save at end of set - how do I get it back

Denon Prime Go - recording set - at DJ change over I forgot to save! It must be there somewhere - help - how do I get it back?!

Have a look in the Engine DJ folder on your storage device to see if any recordings are present, if its not there then its lost.

No it’s not there but was looking for other cunning ways to retrieve. The data was being recorded so it should be there

The device might delete it if you dont choose to save, i imagine it has to to avoid clogging the drive up.

Exactly. It will go to a temporary file while recording, but to become permanent it would need to be saved. If you don’t save, the temp file gets deleted.

There are no cunning ways to retrieve what doesn’t exist.

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I was thinking of using a Hex editor and scanning for the wav flags - I did it years ago when a drive corrupted but it’s a bit of a long-winded ball-ache

You could try pulgging the USB device into a pc and using an undelete utility.

What I usually do when connected to a computer or laptop is make a backup recording at the same time I am spinning with Audacity or something similar. That way I have a redundant copy as a backup should the Engine one fail and vice versa.
