HELP!DENON DJ SC LIVE 4 screen broken!!!

Help! My DENON DJ SC LIVE 4 screen motherboard is broken! Where can I get the screen panel or screen assembly?

Does anyone know where I can get my LIVE4 repaired? I’m in mainland China. Or where can I buy the screen assembly or motherboard? I can try to repair it myself. -------------------- How can I find DENON DJ official after-sales service? Or buy accessories.


Is it this display? At least it is one address for spare parts with worldwide shipping:

I hope this helps you. And maybe the others have some more ideas, where to get the necessary parts cheaper.

Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:


thanks man~

I hope this works, but it’s too expensive. It would be nice if I could buy a separate motherboard. Thanks again for your help!

That PCB is a part of the screen. Not possible to get it separate.


:sob: :sob: sad story Where can I buy a cheaper screen assembly, or a second-hand one?

Cheaper? You need an exactly one that is there, and usually these are not OEM oparts.

yes you are right

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