For the 90's old schoolers


JNCOs are back in style btw :rofl:

I’m not sure it’s the best thing man invented in the 90s, and I’m not sure it’s the best thing to do to bring it back into fashion. :rofl: :rofl:

I’m digging out my So-Cals. IMG_0406

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:rofl: never liked that MC Hammer / Vanilla Ice look :rofl:

Enjoy them though. :hugs:

Loved the 90s, but as far as the fashion goes, they can keep it lol.

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That picture reminds of the line of clothing that would change color based on your body temperature. I can’t remember what it was called but it definitely wasn’t a good idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

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United Colours of Benetton tie dye T-shirts are what you’re thinking of :wink:

Actually, here in “The States” the brand was called Hypercolor? (I think) and idiots would wear them in the clubs. The armpits and crotches were always a different color than the rest of the clothing. :slight_smile: And then there were the Candy Ravers. :wink:

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Hahaha, cyber kids we called them, pipe cleaners and face paint. I just wore a tshirt.

:joy: I’m glad I don’t have any photos of me in my Burberry Trousers wearing a Daniel Poole long sleeve top, Caterpillar Jacket and Bandana :joy:

Remember that Daniel Poole mix CD? The one with Size 9 - I am Ready on it, and that awesome track called the Ultimate.

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There is a few photos cutting around in M8 magazine of me and my girlfriend at the time! I will never say which one though :joy:


Hahahaha. Some tool keeps posting old photos of us clubbing on Facebook then tagging us in (or at least used to as I’ve deactivated now) and our Mums can see it :person_facepalming:t3:

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Freeze Freakies?

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That made me laugh a lot, we used to do that to a very great friend of mine who is a big name DJ from back in the day, when we went through the leather cut off stage with slack jeans and steel toe capped shoes :joy:

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I was more bothered about the size of my pupils and direction my jaw was facing lol… parents dont need to be seeing that… the dodgy clobber was the least of my worries, she used to iron that so already knew :rofl:

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DJ Gurn?? :stuck_out_tongue:


Hahaha, minus the DJ part back then :rofl::rofl:, unless having a pair of Citronics at home and unable to mix was classed as DJing :see_no_evil:

I’d love to have a go at mixing on those old 90s budget decks again now, see just how bad they are.