For what it’s worth I thought it was cool, now if only he will do a Denon version I can get my boys to build it.
“This new-age classic piece plays a significant role in the life of clubs and parties. DJs are playing the best music on this, mixing the songs together with great precision.”
Who writes this nonsense lol.
Its the Club Standard. And ONLY on CDJs 2000, your music sounds the best and CAN be mixed with precision.
-Rushes out to purchase one in desperate attempt to make my music sound better
I won’t argue that the CDJ is a new-age classic, but ill argue that the 1000 mk3 is truly worthy of that title, it was well priced, allowed use of MP3 and was a solid step up from the predecessor, the last unit before Pioneer’s ridiculous price hike in the late 2000s.
Looks like chatGPT wrote it
Like those weird YouTube shorts with robot voices haha.
Well Pioneer needs to save money on paid articles. Might as well use Chat GPT LOL
But to be really honest here, its a pretty dope Lego set anyway While im clearly a Denon guy i maybe still would buy it
Yeah id never turn down a good lego set:) even at 42yrs young.
And it does look properly cool too.
52 here, my 15yo is nuts for it which just happens to help justify buying it so I can help with it.
I’m not a fan of pioneer, but I would buy it for the sake of it
Sorry guys for the description. Tried to make it Lego compatible
Anyways, I’m glad that you like it! Cheers!
Top work on this