ok, so this is related to a corrupt DirectX OR .NET? I will try to do a repair on it to see if it helps.
No direct idea. Haven’t seen that message myself.
Did some repairs on dot.net, but no difference… added 1000 songs… and at 230 remaining the same error appeared.
Same issue with never-ending “aggregating drives” here. Never experienced that issue in the two years i have been using Engine before! Now it suddenly appeared.
Just that you know: Actually i love Engine DJ and the concept itself. So there are reasons, what i am will write now:
At least in my case this “aggregating drive”-thing has nothing to do with the amount of music files + playlists. At first everything worked. After Engine had another problem i have reinstalled engine completely and deleted the “Engine Library”-folder before starting the new installed Engine software. Even after deleting the folder Engine still displayed some old songs from whencesoever - i don’t know the logic behind this. Actually they can not “be there”, because i have deleted everything Engine related on the PC before. And that was the first time i ecountered the “aggregating drives”-message. Even after i have removed ALL 12 songs in the Engine collection and restarted the program, the “aggregating drive”-thing started again!
I have to come in defense to the previous users. Engine is such a non-user-friendly DJ-software. I am not willing, after that beeing like the five-thousands-problem i am experiencing with Engine Desktop Software, to blame the user itself or the hardware that we are using. You always have to develop a workaround and the Engine team doesn’t fix fundamental problems with the Engine Desktop software. In my opinion that’s a structural problem in Engine software, respectively how the Engine management / devs deals with it (general problems, bugs and user feedback).
This “aggregating drives”-issue is just the icing on the cake - i am having a much worse problem, and are waiting for the answer from the Denon support at the moment. I am beginning to loose my patience.
Thank you for your post.
As you said. This is one of a lots of problems that this software has. And blaming user hardware constantly for software problems is not a solution. I love Denon Dj hardware. It has everything I wish for, but sadly due to those issues I sold my SC6000 and X1850 and bought overpriced and old technology from main competitor. Guess what - there are issues, but I can count them on my hand fingers and those are not such crucial. I can start mixing 40 seconds after I hit power on button on my PC, with same library (and even larger since initial post)
Since the latest Engine DJ I have the same : Aggregating drives and locating files. Before this version Engine DJ just opened and all files were directly present. Nothing has changed since the earlier version of Engine DJ, so quite strange… Any ideas?
I don’t have a real solution. Just a tip: if you have several partitions / hard drives on your PC you can check, if it has created a “Engine Library”-folder in another partition / hard drive. It looks like Engine cracks and can not deal with several “Engine library”-folders. Then you have to delete the newly created “Engine library”-folder - nevertheless i would backup it first. Maybe then it works again.
Unfortunately another odd problem, that Engine just seems to have on a regular basis.
God help us, that the Engine devs actually deliver a real soltion to that! Sorry for the sarcasm, but i can’t take it seriously anymore and have to take it with humor.
I am dealing with stuff like that (with Engine Desktop Software on Windows) for two years now. There is a time, where it is enough and something has to change.
I have the same issue, I am now waiting for almost 3 hours…
Hi, I was going to post about this but saw this thread. I’ve been using DJ software for years, and have been using Engine DJ for about 2 years now and suddenly I am having this same issue and it’s causing me to wait 3 - 5 hours of ‘aggregating drives’ just to turn on EngineDJ so I can work on my music. This is not user error and we need answers.
I have stopped using Engine DJ now. I have changed over to a competitor’s DJ-software + a new, faster laptop (i was djing with the standalone controller Denon Prime 2). At least i can still use my Denon DJ-Controller with the new software. It is very frustrating, time consuming and expensive, that i have to rebuild my whole music collection on a new system (what a waste of time and money!). The devs needed more than a month to answer my issue (i wrote a ticket). And they delivered no solution, just: “send us your Engine-folder, so that we can check the code” (analogously). That’s not totally bad, but delivers no quick and fast, real and practical solution.
Why i changed my DJ-Ecosystem? Because i need reliability. Engine DJ software is not delivering that, in my 2 year experience. Reliability is non-negotiable. And that’s the number 1 thing that i need in a DJ-software.
For you information: I am not a bedroom DJ. I make money with my DJ-job.
I don’t think users like me will get at least an apology, from Engine DJ.
Draw your own conclusions, dear Engine DJ users.