Exchange with other prime4 users

Hi - is another Prime4 user interested in an exchange? (male or female) I´m living in Fuchstal, Bayern

Erm exchange of what ?

Their broken one for your working one silly :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yeah I’ll send him/her a working one, in exchange for them sending me their broken one… with them including $6000 USD in $20 bills. Sure.

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You wanna buy a generator?

He meant body fluids!

OP hasn’t responded after 4 days. Marking this as solved.

I meant an personal and local exchange of experiences with the prime4, ideas, problems, solutions while working with this…


You’ve come to the right place here, ask away… there are plenty of German people on here too so if you need to speak in native tongue they’ll be able to assist.

@Wolfgang_Richter sure, welcome to the forum, this is the right place. Don’t let our bad sense of humor scare you away.

@Reese: Marking it as solved (and subsequently closing it) is a bit unfair, given that the forum did only pick up this topic after 3 days. The only thing the OP coulmd reply to was himself :wink:

True but the replies only became helpful after I marked it. :wink:

Carry on.