Engine Remote Library - Prepare List & Play History

I noticed with the new “Engine Remote Library” feature in 3.0, when the Engine DJ Desktop is selected as the source it’s like the streaming sources. No immediately available “Prepare” list or play “History”.

At least with the streaming services if you have an SD, USB, or internal drive selected first as a source, when you switch over to the service and select a track, if you play the track it will show up in the history on the drive, and if you move the track to “Prepare” it appears in the Prepare list on the drive.

Neither appears to be the case with Engine DJ Desktop or am I missing something?

If not, doesn’t this greatly diminish the utility of the feature?

Perhaps the intention is to use the feature simply for prep, i.e. setting cue points, saved loops, adjusting beat grids, etc. since those changes sync back immediately to Engine DJ, and not as a true source for playing out with.


I just found the same thing when I tried it out tonight.