🚀 Engine DJ v4.2.0 Now Available - Stems, Recording Normalization, Beatport FLAC + More

Well I’ll say one thing, the last time I heard the fans on my M1 MBP it was rendering video, now rendering Stems has kicked it off.

For now, it’s strictly internal. it’s this way for a few reasons:

  • There’s a lot that needs to be done to make it less specialized to my environment, such as an installer.
  • I didn’t follow new React conventions (absolutely hate the idea of hooks, for example). it was a quick and dirty tool.
  • Currently only works in Linux & MacOS
  • I paused my work on this due to the DB Corruption issue we experienced this past summer.

I am happy to share the code if you wish, it will just take some time to setup the individual services: Web, StageLinq & Websocket Server.

Finally, I’ve been spending my time writing a history browser tool using ImGUI as a means to learn that UI framework.

This tool will have:

  • Ability to export JSON, HTML or Markdown lists of one’s history
    • or any grid view based on search query for that matter
  • Stats on songs based on Date Ranges (Numbers of Plays tracks for example)
  • Identify duplicate history records (my DB has this issue atm.)
  • a few other things I can’t think of at this time.

If this goes well, I’ll want to work on additional tools that help with some shortcomings of Engine DJ:

  • Robust Auto Relocate
  • Identify duplicates

Yup. this makes total sense. =)

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Hi Everyone,

Just a quick note to let you know that Stems is now available for all Engine DJ hardware.

Follow the link below to purchase your license. Happy mixing!

Engine DJ Store

Additional Resources:


Thank you so much! :pray:t2: :purple_heart:

Hi there, really good feature just one suggestion…

Please make it also possible to get access to the stems by unsing the library on the pc/mac. This would give the possibility to be able to build a Stem-Track “on the fly” to be used directly without copying it first on a Stick or SD Card.