Well I’ll say one thing, the last time I heard the fans on my M1 MBP it was rendering video, now rendering Stems has kicked it off.
For now, it’s strictly internal. it’s this way for a few reasons:
- There’s a lot that needs to be done to make it less specialized to my environment, such as an installer.
- I didn’t follow new React conventions (absolutely hate the idea of hooks, for example). it was a quick and dirty tool.
- Currently only works in Linux & MacOS
- I paused my work on this due to the DB Corruption issue we experienced this past summer.
I am happy to share the code if you wish, it will just take some time to setup the individual services: Web, StageLinq & Websocket Server.
Finally, I’ve been spending my time writing a history browser tool using ImGUI as a means to learn that UI framework.
This tool will have:
- Ability to export JSON, HTML or Markdown lists of one’s history
- or any grid view based on search query for that matter
- Stats on songs based on Date Ranges (Numbers of Plays tracks for example)
- Identify duplicate history records (my DB has this issue atm.)
- a few other things I can’t think of at this time.
If this goes well, I’ll want to work on additional tools that help with some shortcomings of Engine DJ:
- Robust Auto Relocate
- Identify duplicates
Yup. this makes total sense. =)
Hi Everyone,
Just a quick note to let you know that Stems is now available for all Engine DJ hardware.
Follow the link below to purchase your license. Happy mixing!
Additional Resources:
Thank you so much!
Hi there, really good feature just one suggestion…
Please make it also possible to get access to the stems by unsing the library on the pc/mac. This would give the possibility to be able to build a Stem-Track “on the fly” to be used directly without copying it first on a Stick or SD Card.