Engine DJ v3.0.0 Won't Migrate Database

That’s really weird. :confused: I wonder if it has something to do with database that have been imported from other universe, like rekordbox, serato, lexicon… My database is pure engine…May be there is something going wrong with informations that have been converted, who knows. Engine is so unstable. The fact that it’s perfecly working for some users and not for others is very strange.


Weird you say… what is really weird is that nobody from Denon is stepping up to the plate…

enough for me…ill stay on 2.4 for now


Not a problem brother, just spoke this with a DJ I know from Ireland :ireland: and he done the update before his set and all is working fine. So I have a new confidence :joy: hopefully :pray:t3: :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3: thanks for even considering doing it.

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It is a little odd I’ll admit. Again hopefully they’re trying to figure it out so they can crank out an update! Fingers crossed!

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SOLUTION . . . Since I’m a geek I figured out how to undo this LONG pain bug!! Here are the steps that work perfectly for 15K tracks

  1. Make sure you have the old version of Engine DJ.
  2. Make a playlist called ‘All Tracks’ and drag all your files in that playlist ( this will catch any files not in a playlist )
  3. Export your playlists to a new FRESH drive using Sync Manager. ( takes a while )
  4. Take the FRESH drive to your Denon Hardware and it’ll convert it ( doesn’t take long)
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Here I posted the solution to the problem, if need help, do not hesitate to ask.

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Boka, thanks, ill give it a go and report back

fingers crossed

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hey boka, is this what i have to paste:

DROP INDEX index_Track_lexiconId; > ALTER TABLE Track DROP COLUMN lexiconId;

Execution finished with errors.

Result: near “>”: syntax error

At line 1:

what am i doing wrong???

First of all @Boka you are awesome, that worked perfectly!! Second of all DARN UP, I needed that 2.5 hours ago, your solution took 60 seconds, and mine took an hour!!! THANK YOU!!

i’ll second that…

Boka, you ROCK


No Lexicon entries in SQL database, but can not get 3.0 running…external drive Mac M2 Air…External drive works fine with 2.4 on Mac pro…Getting the error message that

“The database on on this drive was created in a newer version of Engine DJ and can’t be updated”


Upload your database to denondj.wetransfer.com

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Thank you! Greatly appreciate it!

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Yesterday a boy had a similar problem and I was able to solve it, send me a pm and I’ll try to help you. I know what it feels like to lose all your work and it’s really frustrating.

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Don’t get me wrong… some solutions here (that might work or not for me) 's all cool & all… BUT … come on guys this shouldn’t be so complicated right?


It shouldn’t be, but sometimes problems occur, and in most cases, it’s from using third-party programs, as was the case with me. :frowning:

The important thing is that it has a solution and that all the work done should not be lost.


I suggest Scheduling a couple of tests to see if you can pinpoint failure of data migration… do the deed exactly as done before in the same exact environment settings etc etc and do it a couple times… before you do this however go to the Event Viewer and your computer set the retention policy to archiving or never delete… then do reaction couple times and see if you can correlate the time you marked for your action to logs in the Event Viewer

Yeah i same here. I have some thoughts also. And they are along the same lines of thinking. but theyre a

little more specific

BOKA IS AWESOME! Fixed the file and now all is well! Woohoo! How about that for a community! Thanks for the help - so much!!