Engine DJ - Lock Beatgrid for Multiple Tracks

What is the feature or ability you would like to have? Selecting multiple tracks and lock the beat grid

Is this feature for OS, Desktop software, or both? This feature should be for DESKTOP Software

How will this feature help you and others? It will save a lot of time when locking tracks. else every single track must be opened and separtly locked. also there is the possibility to loose all the created beat grids when analyzing the collection when beat grids are not locked.

Is this feature available in an existing product? If so, what product? yes - serato can do it.

Does a workaround currently exist? no, not known by any user in the forum

Hi Marc,

Please make a proper request in the section of the forum using the template given.

See here: https://community.enginedj.com/t/start-here-how-to-share-your-idea-and-vote/21270?u=reese

Closing this and I’ll await your request for approval.

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