Engine 3.3.0 on SC5000 Bar/Measure Counter/Indicator

The bar/measure counter/indicator is gone! Why?!

Also, the “phase meter” doesn’t work. I can have two tracks synced perfectly, but the meter says they’re off.

I had to revert to 3.2.0. Please add the counter back ASAP.

You can change it on the options, both prepping media on Engine DJ/computer, and on your unit/hardware

I looked everywhere in the options and couldn’t find how to show the bar counter. Please tell me where to find it. Thanks.

Not at home to turn on my SC’s but I believe it is on Profile / Display / Sync Indicator

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The latest manuals are also available on the downloads page.

Solved but tracks take a long time to load. Longer than usual

Probably best to start a new thread for that.

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What das perfectly synced mean? Perfectly by ear?

If that is the case I would say, that the beat grid is not aligned 100% correctly. Even a difference by 0,01 BPM will cause the phase meter to get off.

In case the beat grid is 100% perfect and you were mixing by ear I would say that you did not beat match perfectly. Please don’t get it wrong or as an insinuation that you can’t mix, but beat matching over full length of a song is indeed more than difficult without any pitch bending or other little corrections.

Manual mixing over 8/16 or even 32 bars is not the problem.

Can you check, if I’m right?

I did mean by ear. Could be the grid I guess

So now you can go back to v3.3.0 and enjoy all the new features. :wink:

And BTW the offset on the phase meter is more obvious than on the four bars. So perhaps it has been always there, but not visible at all. :wink:

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I really like the phase meter more than the bars. It gives a more organic like feel, smooth and easy to understand. Denon did a good job on that.

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