Dual universe on control one

Hi guys. Hope someone can help out here. I have an overhead truss for my boith that i run par cans and moving heads on . No dramas some tracks scripted others on auto loops no problem.
Rightnow i want to run a different loop on my uplighting using universe 2. Question is on prime 4 using control one how can i run two different loops to each universe at the same time… or is this not possible and i have to use some other way to do it. C1 is set to run universe one and two through usb one so in theory it should work but it will only follow one universe or the other at amy one time. Cheers in advance guy’s.

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Can’t help at all with that but nice to see you back Alzy :+1:t3:

Lol yeah im back… been busy as hell jusf lately plus health problems . But all good now

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Great to hear man, good to have you back. How you liking the new updates? lots of new stuff to play around with.

Yeah i got all the updates on denon really lifting that bar now… Jusf need soundswitch to come up on speed with manuals and stuff to keep up snd thete in one awesome system

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