Dropbox - None Database Files

I think to have read somewhere, music files in Dropbox should be playable on Engine devices without being imported the Engine collection before via EngineDJ on a pc. For me it does not work. Folders are displayed on my PrimeGo, but no files. When I just copy these on a usb drive all works well with the same files. I can also see the files I imported to the music database on Dropbox. Am I missing something?


Hi smao,

I think I have a similar issue with SC4 Live. The problem I have is that I’m able to view files from within the Dropbox on my DenonDJ HW which are configured as playlists. When I’m trying to open files from the dropbox folder and I jump into any folder which holds audio-files, it always shows “No Files”. I think it also started for me since Update to 4.2. I have also no clue what to do about. I already erased the engine-dj configs on the dropbox, but as soon as it creates it from scratch, it will end up with the same error. Did you found a solution in the meantime?

Kind Regads Paddy

Confirmed, same here. SC Live 4

No, I haven’t. I guess it needs a firmware fix.

same here , I am having the issue