Dragging Songs from Apple Music to Engine DJ - Be Aware!

I am maintaining all my songs in Apple Music. To bring new songs to my Engine DJ library I just drag them from Apple Music to Engine DJ.

But be aware !!! I just realised that in some cases from 20 songs I am dragging just 18 ending up in Engine DJ. This seems to be an Apple Music issue since dragging the songs to other applications will result in the same misbehaviour.

I endet up carefully observing the amount of songs I am dragging and as a workaround adding the missing files by dragging the songs from the Finder to Engine DJ.

Do the immovable songs have accented characters in the filenames or tags? Like êäñœ etc

No there are not.

This should be more to make people aware on the existing Apple Music problem.

If you drag songs the destination application will always receive the path list to the songs. You can easily reproduce it by dragging songs to Text Edit or another text application showing the raw URL. With this test you can see that some URL’s are missing during the drag.

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thanks for the drag and drop URL tip… that is helpful. However, i’m curious why not put the tracks from apple music into a apple music playlist. then synch the engine software to the apple music and all the playlists containing the songs will appear in the engine software. then just right click the apple play list and import it into your engine collection. all songs will be analyzed and added. you can confirm the amount of songs in your apply play list in the engine software so there is no guessing or wondering if all songs made it over? i can create a video of my workflow if your interested. i’ve always managed my music in apple music. having access to all the meta data fields is super helpful and all dj software is compatable with apple music.

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I am aware of functionality to sync my Apple Music with Engine DJ. Honestly the main reason why I did not use it, is the time it takes to refresh the Apple Music Library in Engine DJ. Of course this depends on the size of your Apple Music Library but if you just added 10 new songs to Apple Music and want to bring them to Engine DJ dragging the songs is so much faster.

With both approaches there is no difference on the meta data you are getting for a song. In both cases only information stored in the file (id3 tags for mp3 files) are considered.

I did find out that the Apple Music file has to be downloaded on to your device to work - a lot of the files now are streamed from apple not actually downloaded - I had a similar issue and the ones that wouldn’t import were not downloaded - hope that helps

You are right and this is the prerequisite if you want to use songs within your Apple Music Library.

  • You have to download your songs in Apple Music first before you can use them (iTunes Match or iTunes Store purchased songs)

  • You can not use any Apple Music (streaming) songs, even if the file is downloaded to your device.

If you are looking carefully on the video I provided you will see that this is not the case. The songs can be dragged without any issue from Finder to Engine DJ.

My current conclusion for this problem is to use the Apple Music Library functionality in Engine DJ. As I previously mentioned I did not want to use it because of the overhead of reloading the Library again and again.