Do you want to help shape the future of DJ tech? Have your say

To help us shape the future of our products and services were inviting you to attend a User Testing session at On The Rise DJ Academy in London.

If you’re a DJ or, have an interest in becoming a DJ, then you’re just what we’re looking for!

Successful candidates will attend a private meeting at On The Rise DJ Academy on either the 24th or 26th February 2020 for approx. 30 minutes where we’ll ask you a series of questions and film your responses on our DJ hardware.

Attendees will receive a free set of Numark headphones, plus, your feedback will help shape the future of our DJ products!

If this sounds of interest, then please complete the following form and good luck!



Great idea.

Additionally, there’s a way of making this appeal beyond the geographically challenging hurdle of holding such a great idea in just one place. Take the “Shape the future of DJing” on-tour.

For example: the regional branch meetings of DJ associations etc. And independent DJ meet ups would love to have a say, I’m sure.

There’s a Hampshire, UK meeting, in a radio station on March 10, and they’re having a Prime 4 demo already that evening.

It’s not just London suburbs who get ideas. :slight_smile:

Yep, would be great for many djs also in South Netherlands (Maastricht, Heerlen) or maybe Germany (Aachen, Cologne?)

Dublin Ireland.

Im sure the lads at can facilitate, if you decide to take this on the road.

Besides getting videos which we will have no control of how it will be used, why not do an online survey via the various blogs and Facebook groups

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Denmark would absolutely be interestet as well. Sounds like a cool idea.