DN-SC2900 LINK media CUE problem

Product: DN-SC2900

Engine OS Version: NONE (used offline)

Steps to Reproduce: Link another DN-SC2900 in LINK mode, loaded linked WAV file, search CUE point, set point to 4m 05s 41f

Expected Result: Search CUE point, set point to 4m 05s 41f and stored CUE to 4m 05s 41f

Actual Result: Set point to 4m 05s 41f and stored another: 4m 05s 38f (+3 frame)

Reproducibility: 10/10 This file tested more time, tested HOTCUE storing, same problem.

Other Relevant Configuration Info: CD or main USB drive working correctly, only problem the linked WAV file.

Link to Video Repro: Denon DN-SC2900 Linked wav file CUE bug - indavideo.hu