
Hi i have a prime 2 it keeps disconnecting from laptop when using virtual dj, ive tried a new usb cable its still the same. Its plays a few tracks and the none of the functions work on the controller but the sound still comes through. Thanks Jay


Which version of Engine OS do you have installed? And has there been any recent updates to VDJ to support the latest version of Engine? (I don’t follow VDJ at all so not sure what their update schedule looks like)

The obvious question here is…do you have a VDJ license for the Prime 2?

Without one, any controller will stop functioning after a short time.


Yes i pay monthly for the pro license

Its all up to date stu

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I’d be tempted to roll back your Denon firmware to an earlier version to see if 3.1.1 is the thing causing the connection issue.

Denon may have changed something in their build that’s not working nicely with VDJ, and VDJ either don’t know about it or are working on it. If you can prove it’s 3.1.1 that’s the issue then you can at least take that to VDJ as proof the latest firmware isn’t working.

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