Directly take tracks to SC6000 from Engine DJ on PC?

Hi there!

I’m new to professional Denon DJ, being a DJ using a computer and cheap controller only.

Got a couple of SC6000 and learned Engine DJ on my Mac M1.

I wonder, can somehow take tracks directly to my SC6000 / USB stick from my Mac?

If not, is there any other ways to achieve this?

I don’t know Mac OS. But on Windows, when you switch the SC6000/m into computer mode and connect it to a computer with the blue USB cable, all the connected drives, USB, SD, S-SATA will appear in This PC / My Computer. From there you can use your PC to copy files and folders to the drive. However, a word of warning, if you are using Engine Desktop to prepare drives, never manually, add, remove, or edit files / folders on an exported drive. You will corrupt the database. In this case, all changes must be made through Engine Desktop and then exported to the drive.

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