Denon X1850 Bottom Screen Display Dead After 2 Months, New Mixer

I Have a X1850 mixer, 2 month old, with dead bottom screen, the screen is no longer showing nothing. Firmware 1.6.

It is there any solution to this problem ?

Without bottom display I’m not able to make any settings modification on the mixer.

Created ticket and there is no answer.

I saw that this is quite a popular failure to the mixer models.

I’m very disapponited with this mixer, only 2 month old an it start to fail and no response from tech support.

I also called the store from I bought the mixer and they said to me that I have to send the mixer back to them to repair it and this takes 4 to 9 nine weeks.

I have using this mixer every week-end since I sold the old set-up (Pioneer DDJ-SZ2) and I can’t wait 4 to 9 weeks for the repair.

In my opinion for 2 months old mixer, Denon should offer a replacement unit, not a repair and no tech support answer.

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The same happened to me within a week of getting it but I was able to return it for a exchange from the store I bought it from.

I just realized that my lower screen is dead as well. I’m unsure for how long. My mixer was purchased in June 2020 so I’m concerned that I may not be covered. I submitted a ticket to support. What was the resolution for your mixer?

I am also a electrical engineer and I solved this problem by myself because at the waranty, it took like 4 to 9 weeks the repair and I decided to open the mixer up and repair by myself.

4 to 9 weeks it was a long time for a simple OLED display change and I needed the mixer for the club and my gigs.

I also run a small electronics repair shop and I have all the tools that I need for repairing electronics gears.

The problem is the display itself, you need to order a new display and change it by yourself if you are out of warranty, the procedure is very simple.

It is not the Denon fault for this issue, it is the display manufacturer fault, it was a very big number of displays that are affected by this issue.

Below this comment I have let the link with the compatible display model for the mixer that will not cause problems anymore.

Open the back of the mixer, unplug the flex cable from the board, turn the mixer face up, heat the protector glass with a hairdryier, lift the glass up, heat the problematic display with the same method, lift the display up and install the new one.

You will need some double adeshive tape to install back the new display and the protective glass above the displays.

Here is the link where you can find the display same as is in the mixer :

You cand also find the same display on Instrumentalparts, but the price is very high and the stock is 0.