Denon X1800 fader issues/bugs bleed/cut off and resetting track

My X1800 is up to date with the most recent drives and software but I’m have 2 VERY ANNOYING bugs that I think are software related.

Bug 1 - Denon X1800 channel faders bleed music at minimum volume and clip volume at 100%. It’s repeatable on each channel fader and happens to my mixer all day every day.

Video - Denon X1800 big - faders bleed and cut volume - YouTube

Bug 2 - X1800 channel fader is interfering via network cables to my deck and is acting like a cue button when I raise the volume past 0%. It basically resets the track. This bug has happened more than once but is intermittent.

Video - Denon x1800 and SC5000 bug - fader resets track? - YouTube

Both bugs have happened for a while and I never used to get these issues. I’m a bedroom dj and the mixer is in great condition.

Any ideas of how to fix?


I bought a x1850 in like July 2022. Also only bedroom DJ.

My Volumefader for Channel 2 started lagging like yours in the first Video. Only the top 97%-100% where infected. But the mixer got a volumer fader replacement from inMusic so I doubt its only a software problem. Fader issues on the x1850 are even worse compared to the x1800. I guess you need to send it to repairs.

For the second issues I assume the same thing… But on which status is your “Channel Fader Start” switch set to on the mixer? (Off / On). Maybe its related to the volume fader themselve but I think the switch unit for the “Channel Fader Start” function is also kind of damaged and causes this issue.

What sort of time periods for those two statements?

Thanks for the reply.

I’m not sure it’s the faders them selfs as all 4 worked well and once day I did an update and they decided they all would play up. This is since 1.6 I believe.

And the channel fader start option was selected to off. It’s very bizarre that the fader is causing the decks to do anything at all!


These are both issues since the newest update of 1.6. I believe they occurred after then. It’s been about 2 months now.

ahh ok then I missunderstood something. In that case if EVERY channel is effected at the same time because of an firmeware update… then its really strange and an Admin should step in to it here.

Given the layer of dust on the surface of your equipment, I wouldn’t be surprised if it got into your faders and caused them to malfunction. If I were you, I would start with a good cleaning with a dry air spray, then a spray of electronic contact cleaner.

And if you want to avoid this kind of inconvenience, maintain your equipment, clean it regularly and protect it from dust with a cloth or a deck saver

Thanks but I do regularly clean them and normally keep them in a flight case. I since have stripped the mixer apart and used compressed gas which has not fixed any issues. Cheers though!

It’s not the feeling we have when we see your videos, the surface of your mixer is really dirty


I’m having the same issues on channel 2 and 3. and I am a clean freak when it comes to my equipment, given the fact that is my profession. I don’t know if I need to replace the volume faders or it’s a firmware issue, either way, This definitely need to be addressed!!!

Ensure fader start is switched off

Remove any network cables from the RJ45 ports on the mixer , do the mixer faders still start/stop/restart the deck ?

no and that would be crazy if it did, lol. the biggest problem that I have is if I’m doing a 4 to 5hr set, the mixer starts to dim in volume. Now from my last 4.5 show this very thing happens, where the volume goes to half. I’m thinking it my be a preamp issue (if there is one) I literally do not know what’s causing it. I may need to bring another small audio mixer to plug into or something.

As no one else is saying that theirs does this “volume dimming” after only 4.5 hours (I’m using mine for 10 to 12 hour gigs most weekends without “dimming” then this points either at something local on your system like a PA which has a noise limiter or compressor/limiter in the house system or in the speakers , or a fault with the mains power (causing circuit damage or brownouts etc) or something in your one particular mixer needs servicing or replacing.

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You’re not enabling the talk over button by chance, are you?


the talk over is a good point, but this happens when I turn it off and on as well. I’m guessing its something definitely wrong with mine. I just bought another one though, with a 3yr warranting ( just in case lol). But if anybody knows a good service center in southern California, please let me know,Thanks!!

Hey there!

If anybody needs - I got A Set of new original Channel Faders in Stock for the X1800/X1850

contact me when interested!


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How much are they?

send me a PM if its still actual.