Denon prime 4+

Hallo to everyone.Have a nice year.I recently update my prime 4+ to 3.3 and i still don’t use the beta version for stems.Can i update now?It will lose the 3.3 version?Or it have nothing to do with it?

Nothing to do with it, you need to download the Beta version again if you want to test that feature. 3.3 is a live build.

Thank you.I did it.I update to beta version and i lost the 3.3 “stufs”.Now what?I must return to 3.3 again?

Return to the beta version that’s available to download in the stems beta part of the forum.

Excuse me i don’t understand.

Even though 3.2 Beta had STEMs, that functionality was not brought to 3.3. STEMs are still a Beta functionality, and it is only available in the Beta builds.

There is no 3.3 Beta build available yet, so the only option with STEMs is currently the 3.2 Beta.

Is here anybody from in-music that can tell us if Stems is still a Thing that you are working on?

Hallo,maybe they thinking to release something new,with some new hardware,an prime 4 ++++++++++.Maybe they thinkin’to put and a new button to reset the pitch or to put some new fx like loop out fx etc.Or maybe fix the compatibility with vj or the worst programme SERATO.I feel like i’m throw my money from the window…

3.3 is a release version; beta features cannot be included in the latest official version until they are ready/tested.

3.2 was released 7/31/23. The 3.2.1 stems beta released 8/23/23.

Given 3.3 was released 12/06/23. Maybe they want to continue gathering/reconciling the data from the 3.2.1 beta?

Would be nice to continue the stems testing in a 3.3.1 beta

How often does an update come out? We have been waiting for more than 2 months.

There has only been one Stems Beta so far.

3.4 released today with no stems!! I am starting to get nervous…

Check out the work being done with Akai, they are likely working on perfecting the algorithms on that equipment before porting the knowledge over to DJ gear.

Dokładnie też czekam na łodygi, testowałem całkiem to chodziło. Myślałem ,że z tą wersja już wypuszczą. Dodali bluetooth fajnie jak by obsługiwał słuchawki bezprzewodowe

Próbuję tutaj tłumacza Google. Czy słuchawki bluetooth będą dobre? Wygląda na to, że opóźnienie uniemożliwiłoby pokonanie meczu. Jaki byłby sens?

Akai MPC Stems released today!!

…for desktop computer software, not standalone (yet).

Right, important distinction, but they haven’t given up on it! They sound pretty decent especially the drums:

Listen to MPC Stems Demos, a playlist by AkaiPro on soundcloud

The vocals still need work unfortunately.