From the last update 3.3.0 prime 4 is freezing on standalone, the music keeps playing but i can’t do anything until i restart it
That is computer mode with Serato. Are you to stop/play on the computer?
With serato and on standalone it makes the same, but not all the time
Try reloading the firmware, if that does not work try down grading the firmware to a known good version for you and retest.
I will try and come back with Feedback
It did the same at a lower update……
Has this problem always been there, but you only recognized it since the update? I started with this update so I can’t tell how it used to be in the past and thought this might be the hardware limitation bringing the lag.
I noticed since i did the update, what would be the solution?
for me it’s waiting and hoping the devs would fix it, I compare it to game development with indi videogames.
This seems normal to me that new versions always do great improvements but also causing new bugs that need to be fixed.
How did you update the firmware, over wifi, over storage media or by using laptop with usb cable?
I used the laptop and I used cable
I updated via wifi, maybe gonna try to re do the update via cable
sorry, did not see the post before. can you make a video how it freezes when using it standalone?
Hey @Istrate , sorry to hear that you’re having issues.
It looks like your first issue is different from your 2nd pic. However, if you’re now getting the peripherals not coming online issue every time now, the best thing to do would be to contact customer support to help you get things sorted: Support | Engine DJ
@Towny_Drop - it’s not really clear if you’re experiencing the same thing or something else. Can you explain a bit more about what you’re running into?
It’s nothing to big, it’s just that the framerate drops while playing a song, so the waveform stutters (lags) or sometimes in beatgrid edit mode there would be no waveform to be shown unless I move the grid a bit.
I guess you misunderstood this topic then. His Prime4 hardware completely froze after the firmware update. Not the waveform that lags a mere millisecond in 30 seconds…
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