Please , I updated my denon Dns3700 and as i was trying to copy the mappers into the scratch live folder , the left Deck went off. But power comes to the Board.
But the Screen doesn’t display anything.
Please Help / Assist me find solutions.
Thank you.
Hi. Sorry to read of the difficulty which you have written about above on your DN-S3700.
Could you clarify please, is it just the rectangular, main display of your DN-S3700 which is not working, or is the whole player showing no signs of power? eg: If you plug it into power, turn on the power switch on the back of the unit, do any of the illuminated buttons light up? are there any noises from the CD drive as if it’s spinning? will the unit respond to the eject button if a CD is already in the player? Will the unit take a CD in if there is not a CD already in the player? (Warning, be careful not to try loading a CD into the player, if a CD is already in there)
Thanks in advance for clarification of the above.