Delete Rekordbox .XML from Engine DJ App - Mac?

I want to delete the rekordbox .xml from Engine DJ App on my Mac.

When I update Memory cues in Rekordbox it does not update them when I refresh in Engine.

The only work around I can think of is to delete the Rekordbox.XML Information from my Engine Library or to Mass delete Cue’s from Engine?

If you update memory cues/hot cues in rekordbox

  • delete the engine library folder and do a fresh impoart of the new xml

Thats the manual way to update

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Really hope Denon fixes this, so much work to delete the entire Engine library each time after updating a few (hot)cues in the rekordbox library

Up voted :slight_smile:

I’ve checked the package contents of Engine and cannot find the .xml file to delete - any pointers to help me find it on a mac? thanks

I’d say given the recent developments in the Alphatheta/Serato takeover, the likelihood of InMusic working on anything Rekordbox integration related is extremely slim.

That tool in Engine was only ever designed to be a starting point for people moving over from other software. Once in Engine you’re then meant to use that as your library management tool.

At this point you’re better off looking to adapt your workflow and not sit around waiting for something that’s unlikely to be implemented.