Database Corrupt after update 1.6.1 on my internal SSD

Hello Team,

My prime 4 after update 1.6.1 show me this message, what is the solution? I returned to 1.6.0 but the same problem. Please help…

Thanks, George

Without sounding like “that guy” did you take a backup before upgrading either manually or via the software?

Do you get the same error if you plug the internal SSD into the PC and load engine prime?

No Backup :frowning: On Pc no problem working fine

Please message me your m.db file from your Internal SSD.

I might be able to fix it for you.

Same problem but in the external hdd :sob:

Select the drive in windows right click // properties and scan disk then click REPAIR.

Happens on my usb sticks quite often when i change from windows to mac to prime to windows

I can try it but i only use mac. Thanks!

Try this its the same thing