Crooked Jog Wheels on Denon Prime 4 Plus

Hi, there. I have an annoying issue with my new Denon Prime 4 Plus. Both Jog wheals are uneven and crooked, is it normal? Especially that can be seen while fast spinning. Is anyone has same issue ? Should I request exchange?

You’ll always have some tolerance. In heavy fast rotating items, or high precision items, this is more strict: for example when your cars wheel is out of balance, it will shake your entire chassis. In an airplanes or rockets gyroscope, imperfections in the gyro wheels will lead to excessive gyro drift, leading to safety problems. But a jog wheel of a digital DJ device is a relative simple device that can tolerate a lot mote imperfections.

The video is difficult to interpret, but by itself I wouldn’t be alarmed by this small unevenness. The bigger question is if you experience any functional hindrance from this?

You could always check with InMusic support

You’re one of the lucky ones! On my unit (and even in reviews from other YouTubers), the jog wheels don’t spin perfectly centered—they wobble a bit, almost like a ‘figure eight’ on a bicycle wheel. But it’s not a big deal and doesn’t affect functionality.