Collection Library/playlist history linked to Deck 3 & 4

Hi Denon’s Users I would like to share with you my idea/suggestion to improve a function on the 4 channels stand alone machines. The idea is to have a history link of the last Folder/Playlist used on the selected Deck. This function will reduce a lot the time consuming to find the right track. E.s. I like to use the Deck 3 & 4 as a deck to do some mashup, and when i have to upload the sample/acapella track on these deck I have to navigate back to al my library to find out the right playlist, and that back again to the ones where i have my music, having this function, when you switch from deck 2 to 4 (or 1 to 3) can show u automatically in the screen the last playlist used on this deck.

hope my English explanation will be clear for all… :wink:

BTW, this tip will give +or- the same feeling of using a 4 players like a prof. setup.

thank for support my idea. good music to all Gabri (IT)

If im understanding you right, you’re asking for playlist position to be retained across layers/channels?

As an example if you go into ‘accapellas’ in layer 2 of deck 2, when you next select that layer and press library you want it back in accapellas?

Seems a good idea, not sure how easy to implement.

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Exactly, we normally play with Deck 1 & 2 so the function will be useful for decks 3 & 4.

But you have understood what I would like to have.

Hoping this feature can be feasible. :pray:

A workaround (and one that Roger Sanchez uses as an example) would be to have each different type of music on a different drive, that way you can quickly switch drives to the one you want.