Bugs in EngineDJ for Mac - Version 4.2.1

Wow this version has serious bugs:

(1) One Track is selected. Individually select more tracks with Command+Click => The first track is not selected anymore. It should be. As in Mac Finder or ANY OTHER software.

(2) It is not possible to sort by Directory Column

(3) It is not possible to filter for all unavailable tracks (the red ones)

(4) Scrolling is “kinda broken” on Mac. Scrolling down via mousewheel does not work some times.

(5) Editing a comment is hard. Double Click => loads the track. Single click makes the comments column editable “sometimes”. But you have to click “carefully”. And not too fast. Otherwise the track is loaded. Getting into the edit mode of that text input field is really hard. Denon Devs: Try it on a Mac!

(6) Reloacte all does not work AT ALL. Even if filenames are exactly the same and only a directory has been manually renamed <= This is reported multiple times in many topics.

Wow … Deneon, you have some work todo!


these issues have been present for at least a few years now. :man_facepalming:t2: